📄️ Setting Public API
In Cockpit CMS v2, you can configure specific API endpoints to be accessed without requiring an API token by setting up a public API role. This allows you to expose certain data to unauthenticated users while maintaining control over your content. This guide will walk you through the steps to configure public API access in Cockpit CMS v2.
📄️ Creating a Page
Creating new pages in CockpitNest is straightforward, thanks to the powerful combination of Cockpit CMS for content management and Next.js for dynamic page generation. This guide will walk you through the steps to create a new page and connect it with Cockpit CMS for dynamic content.
📄️ Creating a Menu
Cockpit CMS v2 have a built-in menu management with pro addons. However, you can create and manage menus using Cockpit's addons feature. This guide will show you how to create and configure a menu using Cockpit CMS v2.
📄️ Setting Up Website Settings
Cockpit CMS v2 allows you to centralize and manage your website settings, such as site title, meta descriptions, contact information, and other configurable options. By storing these settings in Cockpit, you can easily update and retrieve them across your website or application. This guide will show you how to set up and manage website settings using Cockpit CMS v2.