📄️ Button
The ButtonComponent is a reusable button component designed for use in a Next.js application. It allows you to create a button with customizable text, URL redirection, and additional CSS classes. The button's visibility can be controlled dynamically based on the hidden property.
📄️ Divider
The DividerComponent is a simple and reusable component designed to add a horizontal line (`) to your layout. It is typically used to visually separate different sections of a webpage. The component can be dynamically shown or hidden based on the remove` prop.
📄️ Grid
The GridComponent is a versatile and reusable component designed to create a grid layout in your Next.js application. It allows you to organize content into multiple columns, with each column containing a set of nested components. The component can be customized with additional classes and can be dynamically shown or hidden based on the remove prop.
📄️ Heading
The HeadingComponent is a flexible and reusable component designed to display a heading in your Next.js application. It allows you to specify the heading level (e.g., h1, h2, etc.) and customize the heading text. The component can be dynamically shown or hidden based on the remove prop.
📄️ Html
The HtmlComponent is a versatile component designed to render raw HTML content within your Next.js application. It allows for the dynamic insertion of HTML into the page, making it ideal for cases where you need to display HTML content generated from external sources or dynamically loaded content. The component can be dynamically shown or hidden based on the remove prop.
📄️ Image
The ImageComponent is a reusable component designed to display images in your Next.js application. It leverages the built-in Image component from Next.js, providing optimized image loading and responsive behavior. The component allows for dynamic configuration of the image source, dimensions, alt text, and additional styling classes. It can also be dynamically shown or hidden based on the remove prop.
📄️ Link
The LinkComponent is a reusable component designed to create hyperlinks within your Next.js application. It utilizes the built-in Link component from Next.js to ensure optimized routing and navigation. The component allows you to dynamically set the link's URL, target behavior, and display text. It can also be conditionally rendered based on the remove prop.
📄️ Markdown
The MarkdownComponent is a component designed to render Markdown content as HTML within your Next.js application. It leverages the Showdown library to convert Markdown syntax into HTML, allowing you to easily integrate rich text content. The component also supports additional Markdown features such as tables, automatic links, strikethrough, and task lists. You can dynamically control whether the component is rendered using the remove prop.
📄️ Richtext
The RichtextComponent is a versatile component that allows you to render rich text content as HTML within your Next.js application. It takes preformatted HTML content as input and inserts it directly into the DOM, making it ideal for displaying complex content such as articles, blog posts, or content blocks. The component also provides the ability to conditionally render the content based on the remove prop.
📄️ Row
The RowComponent is a flexible layout component designed to display a row of columns within your Next.js application. It dynamically renders content based on the provided configuration, allowing for customizable column widths and additional styling. The component utilizes a ComponentRenderer to render nested components within each column, making it ideal for building complex, grid-based layouts. The remove prop allows for conditional rendering of the row.
📄️ Section
The SectionComponent is a layout component used to create a section of a page with customizable styling and content. It acts as a container for other components, which are rendered within the section. The component utilizes a ComponentRenderer to handle the rendering of nested components, allowing for a flexible and modular layout. The remove prop controls whether the section should be displayed.
📄️ Spacer
The SpacerComponent is a simple utility component designed to create vertical spacing within your layout. It allows you to insert a specified amount of space between elements by adjusting the height of the spacer. This component is particularly useful for adding consistent spacing in your design without the need for additional CSS classes or styles. The remove prop controls whether the spacer should be rendered.
📄️ Video
The VideoComponent is a versatile component designed to embed video content within your Next.js application. It allows you to render videos with customizable attributes and styling. The remove prop provides control over the visibility of the video element, enabling conditional rendering based on your application's needs.